WIPP Gate Part 4

WIPP Gate Part 4

WIPP Gate Part 4

Published March 18, 2014     WIPP Gate Part 4.

What The ‘Frack’ Were They Thinking

Even though officials were warned of the dangers of storing hazardous materials given the instability of the stratigraphy of the land and sediment formations in New Mexico, they not only went ahead with the WIPP program, but in their infinite greed and stupidity, decided to frack the hell out of the area as well.

Experts have noted, that due to the geological fragility of the entire region encompassing Loving, Carlsbad, Hobbs and Artesia is being further compromised by drilling and fracking in this area.  Sinkholes are popping up all over the place and are being blamed on the intensive drilling in the area.  The WIPP facility is a ticking time bomb and the project officials, DoE, DoD, EPA and your elected politicians were warned about this yet they went ahead with designating this area for the  WIPP project anyway.


As a result, we are witnessing a monumental cover-up that will down the road become the largest nuclear waste disaster in the US.
Unlike other deep underground hazardous waste repositories, WIPP’s sole inventory consists of highly radioactive TRU waste-Plutonium, and waste from nuclear weapons.
Research Links:
Important Information about WIPP for NM & Texas Residents
ENE News:  WIPP Expert-Nuclear waste is getting out above ground-“We don’t know how far away it’s gone”
BREAKING NEWS * Ceiling Collapse from Possible Explosion and Fire in New Mexico Nuke Storage Facility; Barrels of Nuclear Waste Smashed and Leaking
WIPP radiation leak still a mystery Local KRQE
ENE News:  “We don’t know what happened… don’t know whether it could happen again” — “Big problem is…how much is continuing to be released?” — Officials “know very little about extent of problem or how to solve it”
Report: Officials backtrack on threat to public from WIPP leak — Now only “pretty sure” population centers are safe — Group calling for outside help, independent scientists to collect radiation samples — TV: Fears in Texas Panhandle
Threat Journal:  On Thurs of this week AlertsUSA subscribers were notified via a text message to their mobile device that the Department of Energy had confirmed the airborne release of Plutonium-239 & Americium-241 from underground nuclear waste storage site near Carlsbad, NM.
ENE News:  WIPP whistleblowers say mine collapsed directly on highly radioactive waste
Over 100 operating fracking wells within 1 mile of WIPP Site
WIPP site plume map
Potrblog:  Good source for developing information on this event
Nuke Pro: Dose Rates

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